This will be a Temuka Tramping Club trip, run by Robert, one of our members. SCTC members are most welcome to take part in this trip. The reserve was set aside in 1996 as an area of significant botanical and … Continue reading →
This ride replaces the previously-planned Ashburton River Trail ride - as most of that track is probably no longer there after the recent flooding! Meet at the Stadium at 9:30 am on Sunday and follow Colin on a mystery tour … Continue reading →
Our June meeting will be held at our usual venue - Church Street Bible Chapel Hall, corner Church Street and Avenue Road, Timaru - starting at 7:30 pm. All members and others interested in the club are welcome to attend. … Continue reading →
Details of the club's mid-winter get-together are now available. Many thanks to John, our President, for organising this event and supplying the following information ... I have booked out the Dunstan Downs Backpackers accommodation for Saturday night 19th June 2021. … Continue reading →
Andrew will be running a mid-week day trip to Spurs Hut on Tuesday 22 June. The hut is a relic from the mustering days, but has had a makeover in recent years. The track to the hut starts at a … Continue reading →
Note: This trip will either be on Saturday 26 June or Sunday 27 June, depending on which day has the better weather forecast. Contact the trip organiser, Louise, to confirm the date a day or two in advance. Mt Melville … Continue reading →