Scott’s Saddle 29th July 2016
Beginning with pick up at 8am on a cold but clear morning, with myself and three others we headed out of town through Geraldine we picked up another willing trampers which gave us a grand total of five which made a nice number for this short but interesting outing. We were soon on the road to Awa Awa Rata Reserve near Pudding Hill, Mid Canterbury. Before long we were underway where the tramp began with a walk through mountain beech together with a ground cover of thick fern, with the track being muddy in places due to winter conditions .Before long the area opened up into sub alpine terrain and soon we were at our destination Scott’s Saddle with awesome views of the surrounding country, Scott’s Saddle is close to the Mt Hutt ski area where activity was abundant due to the ski season in full swing. Before long it was time for a lunch stop and finding a spot out of the biting wind after which we headed back down via the loop track to the car park, it would be fair to say we all enjoyed the mid winter outing with this enjoyable walk so close to home.
Many thanks to all that attended. Louise, Dawn, Paul, John and myself Barry