Otamatapaio Hut 11 – 12 June 2022

Leaving early we headed for Kurow area. the weather forecast didn’t look too promising. Snow was forecast but checking with Weathecity first we knew it would be a bit challenging but still ok to go.

Barry and I left at 7 and were walking by 9. Conditions were pleasant with a tad of snow on the ground by the carpark. Following a 4WD track we carried on up and passed a historic derelict stone cottage. Great photo opportunity as a bit of snow around it. We carried on further up, passing an old private green wooden hut. It was open so we sheltered in here and had our lunch. There was more snow around. During the day we experienced sunshine and some light snow falls in the afternoon as we got closer to our hut. It is a steady climb and Otamatapaio Hut sits at 935m.

The snow was thicker on the ground as we climbed higher. It was knee deep up by the hut. The snow was soft so made walking slow at times.

It looked like a lovely winter scene. Even the rosehips looked nice with the red berrys and snowy white background!

As we headed up the valley we had a few bursts of strong winds but they weren’t a problem as they were from behind.

After 7 hours we arrived at the 4 bunk hut. A welcome site.

The fire soon warmed the hut and even with just 6 pieces of kindling wood it dried the damp floor. After an early tea we settled into our warm snug sleeping bags. Barry was very impressed with his new one.

During the night there were a few strong gusts of wind which rattled the tin fire surrounds. It also blew some of the soft snow back over our foot prints from yesterday so we had to make more.

The trip down was quicker as we descended the snow wasn’t quite as dense so we covered the ground quicker. Back at the car by 2, so it was 6 hours out.

It was a challenging walk but very enjoyable and the scenery was magic.

Scribe Catherine

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