Wainono Lagoon – 6 July 2024

We began this walk at the end of Hook Beach Road beside the memorial that commemorates the chance meeting in 1844 of Bishop Selwyn who was travelling south and Edward Shortland who, with two Maori companions, were camping overnight at this freshwater lagoon as they travelled north taking a census of the Maori population. These days much money has been spent in an attempt to improve the water quality and biodiversity of the lagoon which is the largest coastal lagoon between Waikouiti and Ellesmere.

To walk the length of the lagoon is nearly 8 kilometres. Halfway along there are two concrete structures that, despite previous efforts to try and find out when and why they were built they are still rather a puzzle. We guessed at possible reasons for their construction.

The lagoon supports much birdlife and on this day we heard several gun shots and saw two birds falling out of the sky. We met several shooters, one of whom kindly offered our group some of the ducks he had shot. Hazel was a happy recipient.

It was mid-day when we reached the end of the lagoon and most of us had lunch on the gravel bar overlooking the sea before returning the same way. We were lucky to strike a fine sunny day for this walk which was enjoyed by Catherine Y, Graham, Hazel and four members of the Temuka Tramping Club.

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