Barry is planning a day-trip to an interesting old stone hut in the Waihi Gorge. This will be an easy walk along old farm tracks and through forest. You will be able to eat your lunch at the hut. Those … Continue reading →
Our monthly meeting will be held on 10 August at the usual place (Church Street Bible Chapel Hall, corner Church Street and Avenue Road, Timaru), starting at 7:30 pm. As well as an update on recent and upcoming trips, Dorothy … Continue reading →
Andrew is planning a short trip to explore the coastline at Pareora and maybe some parts of the lower Pareora River near its outlet. This will be an easy, late afternoon short stroll. As well as walkers, there will also … Continue reading →
Barry R. has offered to take a trip to these falls on Sunday 30 August. This is a loop track. A moderate level of fitness will be required. As usual, an ice-cream or coffee stop on the way home is … Continue reading →