Killermont Conservation Land 5th November

Killermont Conservation Land 5th November

Five members met at the Kimbell Pub for a day in the hills. John, Ross, Hazel, Louise and a new little lady, Sherry.

John drove us up to Omarama, we turned off onto Short Cut Road, which is not sign posted from the main road. This turn off is 15km past Omarama. You can access it off Broken Hut road. We then drove a few kms and parked at the start of the 7km easement. We had an enjoyable walk along the easement gradually climbing up to the conservation area. A lot of farm development has been done now that Killermont has more freehold land. We never saw a DOC marker until well along the easement.

We had a late morning tea at the ford of Manuka stream, introducing Sherry to a mountain stream. Her first attempt! Then into the conservation area, a little bush bashing, then we decided to explore up the closest hill to a nice rocky outcrop. Perfect lunch spot. Sherry proud of her skills at climbing and her new skill at using a hill stick.Ross then had a turn at leading, and a good job he did taking us across the small basin to the next ridge to start our decent. We climbed up to 100m. He and Sherry lead us back to the ford and navigated us back through the scrub and did a fine job. A late afternoon tea at Manuka stream, then the delightful walk along the easement to Johns vehicle. 8hrs on the tramp and we covered approx. 23km. A fine area to explore, plenty to do for an overnight trip. Tea at the Kimbell pub on the way home.


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