Orari Gorge, Andrews Stream – Mount Francis Saturday 29 April 2017
This tramp was brought forward due to a pending cold front due through on the scheduled 30 April date .
This was a well-attended tramp even though it was brought forward, nine of us meet at the stadium at 8am where new member prospect Heather and my father Bruce were made welcome. With introductions over we all set off in two vehicles for the Orari Gorge where we parked up near the historic canyon bridge by this time a cold breeze was blowing down the Gorge and into our faces the idea was to walk through the Orari gorge via the vehicle track and cut up a what was to turn out to be a steep unrelenting ridge to the summit of the 1025 metre Mount Francis unfortunately time wasn’t on our side as the Mountain was further back than we expected so with caution to the wind we pulled out at 777 metres due to the time allowance and to get out before days end. It was at this point we had a late lunch and took in the amazing views of Mount Peel straight across from us coupled with the upper Orari Gorge by this time the cool wing had receded with now only sunshine coupled with good company. After lunch was over it was decided to descend the way we had come up as any other way was unreliable, this was done without incident and all agreed this was an enjoyable day out with amazing scenery especially the Orari Gorge with its steep sides and crystal clear waters. It was agreed that another attempt would be made on Mount Frances in the future taking on the mountain from a different angle.
The party consisted of Ali, Neville ,Ross, Jim, Hazel, John Heather, Bruce and myself. Barry Robinson